Emergency Services

Blackheath & Mt Victoria Rural Fire Service
The Blue Mountains is a unique world heritage area and also one of the most bush fire prone areas in the World. The population across the district is 75,000 people who live in, or in the vicinity of 27 towns and villages across the Mountains.
Meeting Times
Training is held every Wednesday at 7pm and every Sunday at 8.30am Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm
Blackheath Red Cross International
Supporting overseas and domestic projects. We welcome you to join us!
Gail 4787 6461
Meeting Times
2 pm on the second Wednesday each month
Heads Up For Fire
The Heads Up For Fire (HUFF) project is a Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre project that aims to ensure the wellbeing of people within the upper Blue Mountains in the event of bushfires or other emergencies. HUFF facilitators are people who volunteer their time to get to know their neighbours and share information with them about preparing for an emergency.
Phone BANC on 4787 7770 and ask for the HUFF coordinator.
NSW SES Blue Mountains
Volunteers assisting the community in times of need.  The Blue Mountains SES is the combat agency for storm and flood response.  The Unit Local Headquarters is located at Katoomba with a training facility also located at Faulconbridge.  Rescue West (Katoomba) training is on most Wednesdays at 7.30pm.  Rescue East (Faulconbridge) training is on most Tuesdays at 7.30pm
4782 3200
Meeting Times
See website for details

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